Master Short Form List

Short forms are the heart of Aikibojitsu training, and can be considered somewhat analogous to the practice of Iaido, the art of drawing the Japanese sword. While they are almost limitless in specific expression (there are currently 270 distinct Short Forms), they are not arbitrary. Each form has a rhythmic pattern based on the harmonic frequency of the stick. Perfection is sought in the explicit expression of the exponential emergence of power implicit in a given form.

The ten short forms presented below are intended to create a basic foundation for the Aikibojitsu study. Practice and mastery of these forms will allow the practitioner to expand their study to the four basic kata presented on the Kata page in addition to specific study of the concepts presented in the Theoretical Aikibojitsu section.

Short Form #1

Short Form #2

Short Form #3

Short Form #4

Short Form #5

Short Form #6

Short Form #7

Short Form #8

Short Form #9

Short Form #10

The Staff of Aikibojitsu

The Staff of Aikibojitsu

Complex Forms

Complex Forms