Origin and Decontracted Ground

The Preformal Field Preformal Field : The spectral field of potential, containing principls and structures that are causally determinant of the finality of Manifestation (see: Stream of Creation) is a spectrum of relative contraction that unites the asymptotic poles of the decontracted unknown and the contracted known. This preformal spectrum, in its totality, is the Stream of Creation. Stream of Creation : The emergence of the ordered singularity of manifested Reality out of the non-differentiation of the informal Source of unmanifested Origin The Stream of Creation is a timeless, primal event of transformation, out of the formless void into the unique and singular finality of the manifested living present.

The decontracted unknown is the origin of instantaneous Creation. It is an infinite, chaotic well of potential from which energy emanates, ultimately to coalesce into total order. At the asymptotic limit of the decontrated pole there is no thing, only the profound, silent emptiness of absolute potential.

At the other end of the Creative spectrum is the contracted unknown, Contracted Unknown : The finally instantaneous moment of manifested Creation, the totality of the content of the Universe as physical manifestation.the fully ordered, timeless moment of manifested finality in which material substance appears. Within the finality of the contracted unknown, all possibility of change has come to an end as potential has fully dropped away. The final manifestation is thus fully defined, frozen, and immutable.

Although the Stream of Creation is almost totally beyond conception, certain primary principles can nevertheless be identified within it:

1. PRIMAL SINGULARITY. The Origin is an undivided, seething field of pure energy, an eternal singularity of non-manifested potential within which not a thing is. Completely beyond idea of description, it is the decontracted ground of the Absolute, from which all of manifestation emanates;

2. PRIMAL DUALITY. The Origin is not entirely without form, for deep within it is an elemental partiality for its polar opposite. The Origin, the pole of the decontracted unknown, shows its elemental partiality by its preference for a primal duality in which there is an opposite, a pole of absolute definition and order, the pole of the contracted unknown;

3. PRIMAL NONLINEARITY. Manifestation doesn't just flow into being; it crashes into finality with stunning impact, the infinity of non-differentiated chaos tranforming through exponential state change into the infinite distribution of defined space;

4. PRIMAL PERIODICITY. The explosive phase transformation out of the infinite potential of deconstracted Origin into the infinite definition and distribution of the manifested universe is a periodic tranformation. Creation is an endless succession of timeless phase-contractive events within which every moment of manifested Creation is absolutely new;

5. INTELLIGENCE. The active, creative force of Intelligence operates as a unary spectrum of Intent. Intent is an extended principle that binds into spectral singularity the intent of decontracted Origin (decontracted intent) and the intent of conscious beings (contracted intent). Intent of the Origin is expressed in the spectacular display of the physical universe, while intent of conscious beings manifests as a portal of perception and final detail within manifested Creation. As Intent is a spectral principle, it follows that the possibility might exist for a conscious being to shift perceptual locus within the spectrum,as appropriate to unfolding circumstances. In particular, the possibility exists to shift upstream within the spectrum of Intent, including full alignment with the Origin. Such a shift is equivalent to a deeper participation in upstream determinism, a shift that makes the perceiver causal with respect to downstream phenomena.

Spectrum of Relative Contraction

Spectrum of Relative Contraction

Resonance and the Pre-Formal Field

Resonance and the Pre-Formal Field